
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Just Something

This is a picture I made a few months ago, unfortunately you can't see the pencil very well.=(
But it's something anyway!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


How much more Prehistoric can you get than the beginning!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


It's been a while since I've blogged anything here, sorry! I just want to give my excuse, I'm very busy trying to finish things up for assessments this year, getting ready to move, and normal everyday stuff.
But, here's some things I'm planning(just so you know I really do think about my blog)

- Current Fashion trends of America-what does it have to do with art, you'll see

-I will get back to IF eventually!

-pictures taken by my stinky camera, here's hope, we're wanting to go on vacation to plymouth rock and my mom is wanting to get a new camera, hurray!

till next time!

Monday, August 2, 2010

On the Way...

Here are a few sketches I made in a notebook while I was traveling over the weekend. Generally, I'm opposed to drawing in notebooks because of the lines, but honestly...paper is paper. I also drew all these picture without an eraser!!! Wow, that was a good practice I never tried before and I think I'll do it more often.
All of these were sketched in my van while we were on the road, so sorry for squiggly lines and bumpiness. =D

Aaaah, something about a nap in a moving vehicle is so relaxing to me...I think I took fifty, but it was John Hagee's fault, I don't know about you but some preachers just have the sort of voice that makes you want to fall asleep, which is good for their little kids at bed time but for their audience...

Drew this while listening to the song by Dc Talk 'Colored People' it was like a major hit when it first came out and still is because anyone who has heard the song knows it's so true! (Unless of course you're a stinky prejudiced person who thinks you're better than everyone else! =P) I love to see the culture of the nations God put in place expressed through His people! Imagine if Babylon had never been scattered? What a horror! Which is why I decided to take Cultural Geography this year, I've absolutely enjoyed it! So interesting.

Honestly, out of all the things we saw in the sky on the way-which included: pictures in the clouds, skydivers, a glider being pulled along by an airplane, a passenger plane taking off-this was the most peculiar, a flying go-cart...yes a go-cart with a parachute attached to it floating in the sky. Weirdness.

Maybe I have an overactive imagination, but I simply can not look at a cloud and not see an image of something! I saw this healthy lady's face in a cloud and decided to draw it, which developed in a lady taking a walk. =D

And that's all for now, take a look at my photo blog for pictures from the trip! _Em

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Under Construction: Awaiting a New Design!

My blog is now under construction, I'm trying to redesign it to look more professional because I'm pursuing the greeting card and illustration business. =D I thought with less busy-ness it would turn more focus on the actual art work displayed here. Right now I'm drawing up a banner, so soon it will look less boring! =D
I got my background from Shabbyblogs for anyone who's interested. And while you're browsing if you get the time you should look at a post on Penney's blog about public schools in America! Infact, you should just read her whole blog, it's inspiring!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Forget balanced, I just want a breakfast that will keep me awake!

Monday, July 12, 2010

IF: Diary

When I was little-okay younger, whenever I say I was little people say, what's changed?- so when I was younger, we did extensive studying on the civil war of America. The first thing that came to mind when I saw the word Diary I thought of a soldier writing in his journal. (I'm told boys don't write in diaries, they write in journals and get very offended if you call it a diary.)
So I did this picture, it's mostly color pencil, which I pretty much suck at. Some of it is ink. And I know my trees look like something a little kid drew...=/ But, I just need practice! =D

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Illustration Friday:Giant

"Fairy tale things may not walk on earth...but they're out there..."

What a bad scan, my printer sucks really. Hopefully you can see this well enough! I just used pencil. No paint, no ink. Just pencil. However since the scan was so miserable and I was trying to decide anyway, I think I'll redo this in ink and gouache. Maybe. We'll see!

Here it is! Fully colored in pen and ink. What do you think? I think he looks friendlier this way.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Illustration Friday:Satellite

Definitely not an inch from being late this time! The inspiration for this one just popped into my head and I finished it last night. It's kinda simple. Just pen and ink.
Wait a little bit and I'll post my brother's idea for this week's word!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Illustration Friday:Paisley

Wow, I got this one finished just in time! 0.0 I decided to try this picture with paint because I'm not too good at painting-as you can see-and I need practice. I also used some pen and ink, the flowers are some pen and ink and some guache, the background is just acrylic paint and the sun is guache too.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Everyday People

I was thinking about the song by Nicole C. Mullins when I drew this picture, and how amazing it is that every person, animal, insect, plant, every one is so different-so amazing that some random molecules just bumped together and BAM! created all this...amazing isn't it?
I hope you sensed my sarcasm. ACTUALLY, what I was thinking about the other day when I drew this was how amazing it really is to look at the complexity of every different person-excluding animals and insects and things. Not only in that every physical body is so peculiar to itself, but if you narrow it down even to senses of style, funny ideas about every little thing, the way each one talks, walks, interests I mean we really are like snowflakes. There will never be one of us the same as the other, EVER! It's so crazy to think about all God made, and how smart and advanced we think our society is must only be a speck compared to the vastness of God's mind and intelligence. I think my head would explode if I even tried to comprehend it. What about you?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Scenery with 5.1 megapixels

Okay, my camera sucks, but imagine how pretty these picture would be with a better one.

Monday, June 14, 2010


I don't know about you, but when I successfully make a recipe, I feel like I just finished a piece of art-since I think I'm the only person on earth who thought you could substitute bisquik for flour (P.S. it doesn't work) but that's another story. Without any further ado...

Tilapia and Green Beans

If you'd like the recipe visit my other blog

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Words for Building

For about three days I've been thinking alot about how the way people talk can build up or tear down. (I think mostly I tear down, like a wrecking ball!) We can really choose what to build,we could build something small, like little kids do with blocks, or we could build something HUGE! like a big city, with skyscrapers. Or...we can tear down those things, and our words can be toxic, the picture I get is like how the recent oil spill looks. It didn't take a long time to make the mistake, but now experts are predicting it will takes YEARS to repair. And thats how words are, it doesn't take long to unthinkingly spew something that will take years for the hearer to recover from. However! The good news is that positive words that build up and encourage can affect lives for years as well, and instead of being poisonous and stinky, our words can be like perfume.
- Em

(To see the picture bigger click on it!)