I'm Emily, I'm 17, and this is my Art Blog. Welcome!!
I'm not really great at art yet, but I think if I exercise what God already put in me it might get bigger. Like a muscle.
That's why I made this blog and joined Illustration Friday.com, as sort of an exercise program.
I draw everything by hand-somehow I just don't feel like I could call something I did on a computer my own, I'd feel like it's cheating, but it's alright for you graphic designers.
I like to draw pictures that tell stories sometimes, like folktale pictures sorta-I like folktales-and sometimes I just have a story behind my picture which I usually tell about anyway, but sometimes I don't and then you can guess the story for yourself!
But mostly I just draw from my imagination.
If your interested..., I use ink, mechanical pencil, graphite, charcoal, pastel, acrylic paint, guache, colored pencil and that's about it.
Hope you have a good time browsin' around! And thanks for visiting!
Oh, and I'm open to any questions, ask in the comment section of my last post!